Thursday, March 26, 2020

Urdu English Learning

Urdu English LearningUrdu English learning provides a new avenue for learning to speak English as a second language. Unlike American English or many other languages that are slowly losing their base in the market, Urdu retains its presence in the youth and it is thought to be increasingly popular. Knowing how to speak Urdu as a second language is important for both the modern man and his families.There are several advantages of learning Urdu as a second language. While English is the primary language used in America and some European countries, Urdu is gaining popularity. In fact, Urdu is also getting more frequent use in the home, especially among the youth.Aside from language, Urdu is a mix of many other subjects. There are many very basic words in Urdu that are only in small numbers in the English language. In fact, you can easily become very confused if you try to translate Urdu to English. For instance, to say 'I will wash the car today', you would translate it to 'wash the car today' in English.Fortunately, by learning the basic words and sentences of Urdu, you will be able to master the language and not only be able to hear and comprehend spoken words, but also use them to understand written language. After all, they are the very words that are in place of English in the English dictionary.As a matter of fact, there are very few students who attend American universities and do not study Urdu. This is because Urdu is spoken everywhere in the world in a very rough form. Once you get used to it, Urdu language becomes very easy to learn. Your patience will be rewarded after you are able to speak it.Another main advantage of Urdu is the easy mastery of English. With enough of practice, you will be able to not only speak it but also to read it easily. In fact, this kind of language proficiency makes many potential employers notice your English writing.However, as mentioned earlier, the English language is very difficult to learn. While it is not a difficult la nguage to learn, it is also not an easy language to master. It takes quite a few years to become proficient in speaking and reading the English language, especially if you want to apply for an American job.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Striking a Balance Overscheduled vs. Too Much Free Time for Kids with ADHD

Striking a Balance Overscheduled vs. Too Much Free Time for Kids with ADHD Childhood today is very different from childhood 30 years ago, when time outside of school was spent playing in the neighborhood, often unsupervised and undirected by adults. Today kids and teens typically attend a host of extracurricular activities after school, with little free time in-between. Do a quick search online for overscheduled kids and youll find hundreds of articles warning parents about the perils of enrolling kids in too many extracurricular activities. These articles typically highlight the negative effects that too little free time can have on creativity, imaginative play, and social development. What these articles rarely discuss, however, is the reality faced by many parents who frequently work during the after school hours and need these activities to keep their children and teens safe and occupied. Parents of children and teens with ADHD face another reality as well: unstructured and unsupervised downtime often quickly leads to impulsive and sometimes unsafe beha vior as well as sibling arguments. As a result, unstructured time often ends with a punishment for bad behavior, or is simply replaced by screen time in an effort to keep the peace at home. When you look closely at the research youll find that involvement in extracurricular activities actually comes with many positive benefits, even at an early age. A recent study funded by the National Institutes of Health found that when infants (9-18 months) who were overly motivated by food were enrolled in music classes with their parents, they began to find more pleasure and motivation in activities other than eating.1 The researchers propose that this may help prevent obesity later in life. For adolescents, most research studies have found that participation in after school activities is associated with improved well-being and school engagement. Even with the positive study findings, when it comes to the number of activities kids participate in, there does seem to be a tipping point. Enroll them in too many extracurricular activities, especially those that are performance or achievement-based, and kids and teens can end up stressed and anxious. How many activities are too many? T hat really depends on the child. Some kids with ADHD need more downtime in order to recharge. Others thrive on back-to-back activities each day. But even for kids who thrive on a busy schedule, some free time is important for their development. Like participation in extracurricular activities, research shows that free time and free play come with many benefits. Kids and teens do in fact need this time to help develop their creativity and imagination, as well as the ability to think for themselves without been told what to do by adults. However, they likely do not need large daily swaths of free time to reap these benefits. As parents of kids with ADHD the trick is finding enriching, motivating afterschool activities, and balancing these activities with at least a few weekly opportunities for safe and enjoyable unstructured time. What are some signs that your child or teens extracurricular activities or schedule may not be meeting their needs? Your child asks to skip activities, or regularly complains of headaches or stomach aches when its time to attend. Your child seems less motivated at school, during afterschool activities, or at home. Your childs grades are falling and they dont have time to get the extra academic support that he or she needs. Your child is regularly going to bed late in an effort to fit in school, extracurricular activities, and homework. Your childs activities are all performance or achievement-based, leaving little time to explore new activities without the pressure of having to meet the expectations of adults. Your child is showing symptoms of unhealthy levels of stress (see my previous post for more details on signs of stress in teens with ADHD). If your child or teen is displaying one or more of these signs, it may be time to take a step back and reconsider his or her schedule and activities. Talk with your child or teen about how he or she is feeling about his or her extracurricular activities. Are there activities that he or she enjoys more than others? Do they think that he or she needs more downtime? Kids and teens will often have difficulty noticing when they are overscheduled and may be reluctant to cut back on their activities. As a parent you have an opportunity to help them problem solve, streamline their schedule, and build in necessary downtime (Ill talk about strategies for creating manageable downtime for kids with ADHD in my next post). With your help your child will reap more joy and enrichment from his or her activities, and will build motivation and academic skills along the way. ________________ 1 Kong, K. L., Eiden, R. D., Feda, D. M., Stier, C. L., Fletcher, K. D., Woodworth, E. M., Epstein, L. H. (2016). Reducing relative food reinforcement in infants by an enriched music experience. Obesity, 24(4), 917923. ABOUT DR. MARY ROONEY Mary Rooney, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California San Francisco. Dr Rooney is a researcher and clinician specializing in the evaluation and treatment of ADHD and co-occurring behavioral, anxiety, and mood disorders. A strong advocate for those with attention and behavior problems, Dr. Rooney is committed to developing and providing comprehensive, cutting edge treatments tailored to meet the unique needs of each child and adolescent. Dr. Rooney's clinical interventions and research avenues emphasize working closely with parents and teachers to create supportive, structured home and school environments that enable children and adolescents to reach their full potential. In addition, Dr. Rooney serves as a consultant and ADHD expert to Huntington Learning Centers. ABOUT HUNTINGTON Huntington Learning Center is the tutoring and test prep leader. Its certified tutors provide individualized instruction in reading, phonics, writing, study skills, elementary and middle school math, Algebra through Calculus, Chemistry, and other sciences. It preps for the SAT and ACT, as well as state and standardized exams. Huntington programs develop the skills, confidence, and motivation to help students of all levels succeed and meet the needs of Common Core State Standards. Founded in 1977, Huntington's mission is to give every student the best education possible. Call us today at 1.800.CAN LEARN to discuss how Huntington can help your child. For franchise opportunities please visit This website does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The material on this site is provided for educational purposes only.

A primeira vez que eu ouvi a voz de Bruce Willis

A primeira vez que eu ouvi a voz de Bruce Willis Conforme a gente vai crescendo, vai também ganhando admiração por certos atores. Porém, como a gente vive em um país onde os filmes e as séries são, por norma, dublados, nem sempre a primeira impressão que temos de um ator é a verdadeira. De certa forma,  essa cultura da dublagem de praticamente tudo o que passa na televisão, aliena um pouco as pessoas.  Não querendo desfazer de quem trabalha como dublador, longe disso!Não me lembro ao certo de quantos anos tinha, sei apenas que tinha mais de 11 anos, porque Armagedom, o filme que me permitiu ouvir a voz do Bruce Willis pela primeira vez, estreou no Brasil em 1998. Todavia, a sensação que tive aquando dessa experiência está bem viva na minha memória.Eu estava com a minha mãe, que prefere filmes dublados porque detesta usar óculos, sendo que sem eles ela não consegue ler nada. Fomos ver o filme, quando ela viu que era legendado, começou logo a reclamar. Eu não me importei, até que ouvi a voz de Bruce Willis pel a primeira vez na minha vida.Foi tão chocante perceber que a voz que eu associava a ele não era a dele, aquilo fazia com que eu ficasse muito confusa. Por isso, eu acabei por passar o filme todo pensando no assunto, sendo esse o motivo pelo qual eu não entendi nada do filme até vê-lo pela segunda vez. Ainda hoje, quando vejo algum filme que é dublado, fico uns minutos perdida nos meus pensamentos, por mais idiota que isso possa parecer.Durante muitos anos tentei entender o motivo do meu choque. Há algum tempo cheguei a uma conclusão: Para mim, o problema não foi a dublagem em si, mas ninguém ter dito que aquilo não era real. Sim, com 12 anos, supostamente, a pessoa já sabe que os filmes não são realidade e eu sabia isso. Só que em uma época em que crianças e adolescentes não tinham acesso à internet como têm hoje, o que eu não sabia era que os filmes dele que eu tinha visto eram dublados! Eu era/estava realmente alienada!Não digo que quem dá voz ao ator no Bra sil faça um trabalho ruim, que as dublagens sejam um mal da humanidade que deve ser erradicado, nem que quem tem 12 anos hoje em dia não saiba que está vendo algo dublado. Apenas acho que, se queremos promover a aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras (seja o Inglês, o Espanhol, o Francês ou outra qualquer), as crianças devem ter contato com a língua falada também, porque existem estudos que confirmam a eficácia disso na aprendizagem de idiomas (assunto sobre o qual pretendo falar mais detalhadamente em outro post), mas também para que não haja esse choque entre aquilo que nos habituamos a ver/ouvir e aquilo que, de fato, é a realidade.E você? Já teve alguma experiência semelhante?

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Balboa City School International

Balboa City School International Balboa City School International BCS Sino-U.S. Dual Diploma Program Balboa City School works closely with cooperating schools abroad to allow international high school students to register with a program offering a dual-country education. Students must meet all academic requirements in order to receive a diploma from each school. Highlights: Designed to work within the students current high school program Integrates TOEFL SAT preparation into the high school course curriculum All courses conducted using American high school textbooks aligned with Common Core State Standards College preparatory curriculum Students grades are evaluated using the most advanced grading and student evaluation system, ensuring that all students are assessed in the best way possible Successfully helps high school students attend his/her dream university in the U.S. Balboa City School provides dual diploma schools with an excellent support team All students receive the letters of recommendation that are required by U.S. university applicants Students are given many opportunities to participate in extra-curricular activities

How to Stay Motivated in an Online Class

How to Stay Motivated in an Online Class Online classes offer a learner the option to take a class in the comfort of their own home. Online courses can be more convenient, more cost effective (depending on the course), and can offer the student learning at their own pace. These are just a few benefits of taking an online class. It's no wonder so many people are flocking to take these classes. There are also a few downfalls to taking an online class; one of those being motivation. How does one stay disciplined and motivated to make it through an online course? So keeping on top of your course load in an online class can no doubt be a big challenge. Especially if you lack the self-discipline to chip away at your course little by little. One thing you can do is make your own syllabus or itinerary. Map out your own timeline -oftentimes, online courses have a fluid deadline-leaving most things due at the end of the course or unit. This means you should design a plan and give yourself goals of what to do daily, weekly, and monthly. This way, when test time or the due date for the class comes around, you will easily be able to slide across home base instead of cramming everything in at the last minute. Using other learners to stay on task is another good way to stay motivated with your online learning. Try and buddy up with another student or two in the class and correspond with them throughout the class. Check up on each other's progress and hold each other accountable for due dates. You can even bounce questions and ideas off of one another so you can keep the creative learning juices flowing. Another great way to keep on task is to reward yourself once you hit certain milestones. After each chapter review or quiz you can do something nice for yourself. Dangling a carrot in front of you will keep you motivated. Choose something you love (something small and manageable). Get yourself and ice cream, go shopping for a new clothing item, take yourself out to the movies, or something else! Whatever it might be use a reward system to keep you moving forward. Most of all, just keep your eye on the ball. Remember why you are taking the online course, most likely it's for a very good and rewarding reason. You might be working toward college admission or a college degree, or you might just want to enrich your own life. Whatever the case might be, keep on track and create a system you can follow. You will reap huge rewards in the long run.

Irvine Writing Tutor How to Improve Your Writing This Summer

Irvine Writing Tutor How to Improve Your Writing This Summer Tips From an Irvine Writing Tutor: 4 Ways to Improve Your Writing Over the Summer Tips From an Irvine Writing Tutor: 4 Ways to Improve Your Writing Over the Summer Writing is an essential skill for students. In other words, having the ability to explain yourself clearly in writing will help you in every academic subject. Writing is also a fun and creative hobby for many students. Sadly, most of the writing abilities students develop over the school year are lost over the summer months due to no writing. Let’s not allow that to happen to you! One of our private Irvine Writing Tutors has come up with these four ways to improve your writing over the summer. Writing Doesn’t Have to be a Chore Some students inevitably equate writing with homework or classwork, which makes it more of a chore than a fun summer activity. One reason why some students dislike writing is that they haven’t developed their abilities to the point that it comes easily to them. It’s frustrating when you know what you want to say, but can’t figure out how to put it into words on a paper. This is a common frustration, and spending time improving your writing over the summer will take the stress off of paper assignments when youre back in the classroom. Spending an hour or two or more if you’re on a roll writing each day will help you improve your skills without it impeding on your summer activities. Now, what to write about? A few of our tips below will help with that. If you’re feeling a case of writer’s block coming on, take a break and go outside, it is summer after all. 1. Hire a Private Irvine Writing Tutor The best way to improve your writing over the summer is with the help of a private tutor. Our Irvine writing tutors work around your busy schedules, in-person or at a meeting location. Call us today to book your tutor and start improving your writing skills. 2. Join or start a writing club Ask your local librarian if the library hosts a summer writing club for your age group. If not, ask them if you could start one and have them meet in one of the library conference rooms. Odds are they will be thrilled you want to write and will be more than helpful to get the club going. Sharing the group with your friends on Facebook will help you find the best time to meet. Once you have a group, find a list of writing prompts online and settle on one per meeting. Then, during the next meeting, everyone will take turns reading their version of the prompt (READ: 5 Reasons Why Students Should Start a Blog). 3. Read Most authors would agree that one of the best ways to improve your writing is to read good writing. Through symbiosis, you’ll be learning how to construct sentences that aren’t clunky, how to write good dialogue, among other essential skills. Start a contest with a friend to see who can read the most books this summer. 4. Enter a Writing Contest Many magazines and blogs host writing contests. These contests cover a wide-range of topics. From poetry to science-fiction, you’ll be able to find a contest in which you are most interested. Make a note of the submission date and guidelines, and then start writing! With these summer writing tips from an Irvine English tutor, you’ll start the school year in better writing shape than when you finished in spring. Members of the TutorNerds team and our private tutors write every blog post. If you have any questions about our blog, please email us at

Easy Peasy English

Easy Peasy English Easy Peasy English Easy Peasy English is the leading language school in Southwest China. Each campus is based in a major metropolitan area such as Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan province. Thousands of students have experienced the Easy Peasy Language learning system to become fluent, confident English speakers. Kindergarten (ages 3-6) and primary school (ages 7-12) curriculum is at the heart of Easy Peasy Englishs educational structure. We also teach adult learners and prepare students to take tests for overseas education. Certified native English speaker teachers, certified native level local teachers as well as China and UK research and development teams mean continual development for both our students and teachers. At Easy Peasy English our students are immersed in English learning from day one and follow a step by step, structured approach to learning, that has been tried and tested for over 20 years. All of the foreign teachers at Easy Peasy English are native English speakers. As our foreign tea chers come from North America, the UK and Ireland as well as Australia and New Zealand, each student gets to learn more than just a language, but cultural awareness and our teachers a part of a diverse and dynamic workplace.